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Certification Procedure

Contact us via the website, phone or email.

Present the necessary documents (such as raw materials).

Halal Audit

Resultado da Auditoria

Conclusões finais

Certificate Issuance

Categorias de Certificação:

Carne vermelha

Alimentos de Origem Animal

They include meat and poultry, such as beef, chicken and lamb, as well as dairy products such as milk and cheese.

Variedade de pílulas

Pharmaceutical Products

Comida enlatada

Processed Foods

They cover a variety of food products that are prepared and packaged for consumption, including snacks, ready meals and condiments.

Cosmetic bottle on podium


They include medicines and supplements that are used to treat diseases, promote health and improve well-being.

Abrangem uma ampla gama de produtos para cuidados pessoais e beleza, como maquiagem, cremes e xampus.

Obtenha o seu Certificado Halal

For more information about Halal certification and how to ensure your products comply with Islamic standards, please contact us.

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